Friday, January 15, 2010


Febuary 2nd

Magnetic Cellular System



magnetic curtain


The Site_UCLA Steam Tunnels : (a specific moment)

application of cold cellular storage into existing tunnel
reflected ceiling plan
section a_function diagram
axonometric view

study model_magnetic fingers:

open closed


potential user:

My interest still carries into the realm of a food ark which is located in/ re-inhabits the UCLA steam tunnel network. In response to the last set of commentary, I developed a potential functional prototype that works as a long-term, visually exposed storage system. I believe there is a way to harness the existing steam energy in the tunnels to run the cooling system however am still investigating a solution. The cells that are closest to the larger refrigerant tubes would house the items requiring the coldest temperatures, with varying temperature cells radiating away from these larger cooling/ structural tubes. At the moment the cellular net is functioning off of a magnetic open and closed system which I will detail further in my next post. The cellular net, as rendered, is very geometric and rigid. I much prefer the affect achieved from the study model photos. My future aim is to develop a system that is less rigid and more organic/ dynamic.

I am also envisioning the user for this type of environment as someone interested in magnetic healing so that the re-inhabited space becomes mulit-functional.


January 17th

Storage_dynamic fluidity

real flow mesh result through two intersecting tunnels:

particle articulation from one of the particle pathsparticle path extraction

particle path and fluid mesh integration_these diagrams are the results simulated and extracted from the release of four intersecting circulation flows within two intersecting "tunnels" (as one might encounter in a populated UCLA underground). The cumulative data from the fluid dynamic software in combination with generated particle paths generate potential organizational systems for long term food supply and storage.

EXPOSURE: storage and preservation

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